Synopsis: APOCALYPSE CLOWN tells the tale of a troupe of failed clowns and an ambitious reporter who embark on a chaotic adventure of self-discovery after a mysterious solar event plunges the world into...
Read MoreWith all the craziness going on these days, it isn’t hard to see that the end is nigh for the denizens of this world. Face it, we are doomed,...
Read MoreLet’s face it, there isn’t a lot to be happy about these days. The future for a lot of us looks like a gold plated jack boot heel stomping...
Read MoreToday is the last day of June and sadly, month of Corman must draw to a close. I have chosen Deathsport to wrap up this month of B movie...
Read MoreA Brief History of the Found Footage Style Hate them or love them, found footage films seem to be here to stay. It seems to be a main staple...
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