Synopsis: YouTube personality Gabrielle Alexander, known for her “at work” reaction videos and paranormal videos stars as the titular role in “Sylvia”, a drama short film with underlying themes...
Read MoreRating: People who claim to enjoy reading often use phrases like “I’m a voracious reader!” or “I devoured that novel!” in a way to imply some kind...
Read MoreRating: SYNOPSIS: This psychological thriller follows a divorcee as he struggles to retain his parental rights, and sanity when his ex-wife announces her intention to move to the west...
Read MoreGreen Apple Entertainment officially drops Captured on January 1, 2020 and stars Kirsten Prout (The Twilight Saga: Eclipse, Elektra) Brittany Curran (Dear White People, 13 Going on 30) and...
Read MoreAfter the death of his young daughter, Tom Dunn is a broken man. When his wife falls pregnant again, he cannot believe their luck. However, his joy is short...
Read MoreWilliam Damon was born in Massachusetts and currently spends his time between Southern California and St. Louis Missouri. Known as that spooky kid that loved horror stories, comics, and...
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