Rating: Synopsis: A wild crime thriller about a bag of money left in a sauna and the eight strangers who, spurred by blinding greed, become intricately and dangerously involved...
Read MoreRating: Synopsis: A camping misadventure forces a young girl and her father into the realm of a madman worshiping cult known as The Circle. As the pair become trapped...
Read MoreRating: Synopsis: For four outcast teens, summer detention means being assigned to clean their high school after a horrific incident. But they are not alone; a macabre gang wearing guises of The Four Horsemen...
Read MoreArtsploitation Films has announced the acquisition of a new horror film: Welcome to the Circle, a supernatural thriller centred around a murderous cult. The film will be released later this...
Read MoreRating: Based on the novel ‘Wij’ (“We” in Dutch) by Elvis Peeters Director / Writter: Rene Eller Actors: Aime Claeys, Tijmen Govaerts, Pauline Casteleyn, Maxime Jacobs, Friso van der...
Read MoreHollywood director Fred Schepisi’s first feature film was The Devil’s Playground, a 1976 Australian semi-autobiographical drama about a 13-year-old boy’s struggles at a Catholic seminary in the 1950s. The...
Read MoreRating: Reeling after her latest novel flops, a best-selling crime writer is sent by her publisher to the Swedish countryside to regain inspiration. Totally out of place in her...
Read MoreRating: Synopsis: While most of the residents of a small Argentinian town attend a funeral procession following a tragic building collapse, the few who do not will face terrors...
Read MoreRating: Synopsis A small-time crook, Alkis Vidalis, agrees to star in a viral video, which can restore the public image of a prominent businessman. Alkis realizes he is supposed...
Read MoreRating: Synopsis: Set in the frozen wilderness of Norway during WWII, 2 German soldiers escort a Norwegian soldier and prisoner of war but the weather is taking a toll on...
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