Synopsis: Eugene, a lonely photographer, becomes fixated on a young street prostitute, Josephine, in his rundown neighborhood. She becomes his muse and his photographs could be a way out...
Read MoreSynopsis: Alone in her attic bedroom, teenager Casey becomes immersed in an online role-playing horror game, wherein she begins to document the changes that may or may not be...
Read MoreRating: Dark, disturbing, and surprisingly deep, The Slaughterhouse Killer is an underappreciated shocker that definitely left an impression. Synopsis: A passion for slaughter keeps Box in line at the...
Read MoreForced Entry may just be the darkest, most twisted and unnerving short film you see this year. Gratuitous gore, barbaric violence, and senseless murder culminate in a piece of...
Read MoreSynopsis: A family of sadistic butchers has dug into the backcountry and, from the deep freeze of winter to the dog days of summer, anyone who crosses their path...
Read MoreRating: Synopsis: Kyra, a young woman kidnapped off the street after a night out, wakes up in an isolated house with two other captives. They are informed by their...
Read MoreRating: Christmas is a time of peace, love and family. But not for one Norwegian town as a psychopath dressed in a Santa Claus suit has been terrorizing them for...
Read MoreRating: Synopsis: Natalia is a nineteen-year-old nun who reluctantly returns home to say goodbye to her dying father. However, when she meets up with her sister and her friends,...
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