Super Channel and the Blood in the Snow Film Festival (BITS), a unique and imaginative showcase of contemporary Canadian horror films, are pleased to announce that they have partnered to bring a virtual edition of the upcoming 2020 BITS to Canadian horror film fans across the nation, with the Blood in the Snow Film Festival presented by Super Channel.
The virtual festival, which is slated to run Oct 28 to Nov 7, will bring a selection of Canadian horror features and shorts to Super Channel Fuse, just in time for Halloween. Dedicated to promoting the best in independent Canadian horror cinema, BITS is known by fans and filmmakers alike as one of the premier horror festivals available in Canada. For the first time, horror fans across the country will be able to immerse themselves in all the thrills and chills that BITS has to offer.
“We are proud to be partnering with Blood in the Snow to bring another important indie festival celebrating Canadian filmmakers to our viewers. As independent festivals continue to face uncertainty with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, we want to continue to do our part to support the Canadian film industry,” said Don McDonald, President and CEO, Super Channel. “With a robust horror offering on our schedule, we saw this as a natural fit that would be a welcome addition for Super Channel’s horror fans over the Halloween week.”
“This will be a great chance to turn Super Channel into an old-style horror show during the Halloween season!”, says Kelly Michael Stewart, Festival Director and Founder of Blood in the Snow. “We are going to do everything we can to bring the spooky spirit you would experience in person at BITS to fans watching from home.”
In addition to exclusive Canadian film premieres, the virtual film festival experience will include pre-recorded film intros, Q&A’s with filmmakers and a post-festival awards show.
Blood in the Snow will also be running its Deadly Exposure industry events on-line from November 4 to 7, 2020 with its mix of industry panels and virtual round table events.
Films and scheduling details for the festival and Deadly Exposure will be announced at a later date.
Site founder. Horror enthusiast. Metalhead.