I still cannot go to the movies because Disney is still extorting money from people. I hate handing my money over to Mickey Mouse because “It would be a shame if something bad were to happen to me.” That evil mousey bastard owns everything now, and we have to choke down every family friendly turdburger that he shits out.
I can be sure to tell you that Disney will never ever make a movie where genetically mutated seabeasts lurk on shore to kill the residents of a sleepy town and take their women for reproduction. That honor is reserved for Humanoids from the Deep, a film Directed by Barbara Peeters, and stars Doug McClure and Anne Turkel. Humanoids from the Deep is the quintessential B horror movie and deserves a place in history. The uncredited executive producer was Roger Corman and his company was responsible for its distribution. So now that its connection to Corman has been established, let’s penetrate the world of Humanoids from the Deep!
Humanoids from the Deep takes place in the small fishing town of Noyo, California, where everything that can make America great again can be found; Horny teenagers, sexism, overt hatred of Native Americans, science denial, and evil corporations who fuck with the environment. This wet dream for Donald Trump is suddenly turned upside down by scores of sea creatures who murder the hardworking white men and scour the beach for busty white ladies. (I’m starting to get a Birth of a Nation– King Kong vibe all of a sudden) Anyway, By the end of the movie, prejudices are laid to rest and the main character learns that it is OK to listen to what women have to say.
The real story here sits in the director’s chair. Barbara Peeters was crushing it during the 70’s exploitation era. Her and her contemporary Stephanie Rothman were some of the very few women in a male dominated industry. Peeters was the first woman to direct a biker film. Bury Me an Angel (1972) is a story about a woman who sets of for revenge after her brother is murdered.
Sadly Peeters and Corman had some differences of opinion about some rape scenes and Corman took a lot of Humanoids from the Deep out of her hands, enough so that she wanted her name taken off of the film, which he didn’t do. Afterword she quit working for Corman’s production company New World Pictures. So if you are in the mood for ass kicking babes on bikes, her work is worth checking out.
Back to Humanoids, it is true that the film gets a bit rapey at times, and I feel like they could have let us know that the gene-spliced humanfish are desiring lady bits to reproduce with and not show them mounting helpless women on the beach. Now I also know that it was one of the reasons Barbara Peeters wanted to take her name off of the film, so that a double shame on you there Roger Corman.
Trailer NSFW!!!
Born and raised in San Diego California, I grew up loving the action horror and sci-fi genres. The first R rated film I saw was Predator back when I was 8 years old. Aliens blew me away as a youngster and I made a M41-A pulse rifle out of paper towel rolls and rubber bands. I ran around for hours avoiding face huggers and blasting xenomorphs in my back yard and I am bringing that big imagination to Nevermore Horror.