If you love anime, and you love gore, then you’ll love this series.
The story starts off in Kisaragi Academy, a high school that is built on top of an old elementary school with a shocking and bloody past. Heavenly Host Elementary has a terrible past where several students and teachers disappeared, and were murdered.
A group of friends decided to perform a charm called the “Sachiko Ever After” charm, to create an inseparable bond between them.
As they tore the charm, they suddenly felt an earthquake, and the floor breaks beneath them. The students are all transported to what seems to be a different, nightmarish realm. The students try to find their way out, and try and find their friends, only to be met with terrifying ghosts and horrific images.
The students frantically try and escape the horrors of Heavenly Host Elementary, except one by one they are picked off by the nightmares in this hell.
There isn’t much more I can write about this series considering it doesn’t have a large plot, but if gore is your thing, and you like seeing it in anime, you’ll definitely enjoy this short series.
— Merman
Here is a compilation of all the deaths in Corpse Party, uncensored: