The film follows an internet content moderator, Cole Canoy (played by Burt Bulos), who confronts an increasingly disturbing series of online videos that seep into his psyche. The film is directed by Michael Rich and is already available online after it completed its festival run in 2023 and 2024. The Queue walked away with two awards and a nomination and was part of the official selection of 25 film festivals. It received the “Grand Prize” by an industry jury at StokerCon’s Final Frame Horror Short Film Competition—no meagre feat.
And I feel that that title is duly deserved. I was surprised that through twenty-five screenings, the film was only nominated three times. This is one of the better horror shorts that I have had the pleasure of coming across and I have done judging for more than one horror festival myself.
The Queue is a near-perfect creation. If you’ve followed us here for a while, you know I have a soft spot for well-made short films and The Queue ranks pretty high on my “Check All of the Boxes” scale. We have a strongly-acted, mysterious protagonist who is instantly likeable and relatable. We have an unexplored idea that is rife with possibility for the macabre. We have a real-life scenario that twists itself into something paranormal (or parapsychological) and we have a short, succinct film that doesn’t waste the viewer’s time or patience. It also delivers on its promise of horror.
The short is great, well edited, and is accompanied by a simple, haunting score that does not distract from the action. Some glitches pop up occasionally, both on Cole’s video screen and our monitors, which was a nice touch even if it was unintentional. The writing is top shelf and it all comes together nicely in a bloody, tightly-wrapped, eleven-minute package.
Yes, there are a few trivial things that could have been cleaner, like the film streaming in 1080p but often feeling like 460p. Some scenes felt too short and others could have used a bit more focus on the horrors that enter Cole’s office (or mind?). But these were trivial things that I noted on my second and third viewings. My initial impression was that of awe and I feel that that initial impression is the one that counts most.
Discussing his idea for the film, Rich stated:
“Nothing scares me more than the internet. When I discovered that many social media sites employ ‘content moderators’ – workers in charge of removing violent and perverse user content – I knew that I had to delve deeper into this realm. We often overlook workers like these who shield us from the horrors of the world, never fully comprehending the emotional toll that it takes on them.”
He continues:
With ‘The Queue’, I wanted to delve into this world. On the shiny exterior, these tech companies are making billions of dollars and “changing the world,” but if you peel back a few layers, you discover a sinister underbelly.
Thanks for reading and as always, stay sordid. As stated earlier, the film is already steaming and is available for your viewing pleasure in the link below. Let us know what you think in the comments. I will also include the poster art below.
Site founder. Horror enthusiast. Metalhead.