Logline: A roommate stuck in a codependent cycle finds her burgeoning romance might lead to something unexpected.
The Lovers is a short horror film written and directed by Avra Fox-Lerner, acclaimed horror writer of Blumhouse’s BLOODLINE. The film stars Meryl Williams and Annapurna Sriram as our protagonist roommates and Patrick Vaill as the man who tries to break the cycle that these two find themselves within. The film runs just shy of ten minutes and is currently doing its festival run, recently screening at Fantasia Film Festival and Horrible Imaginings Festival.
The film is, in a word, effortless. I was very quickly entranced and sat—unmoving—for its entirety. All of the elements just really blend together so seamlessly that I kind of felt bad for whomever had to go up against this film at whatever festival it currently finds itself. The lighting, the score, the framing of the characters within the symbolism of the décor—it’s all beautifully, carefully, meticulously planned, thought out, and pieced together like one would an intricate tapestry. The acting is near perfect and the film flows without so much as a mistimed pause. It really is a work of art.
Be warned though, there are very different kinds of short films that appear at festivals and they are not each to the tastes of all. The Lovers is not, by any means, a scary film. It is quite predictable (I had my suspicions from the start) and is not intended to make anyone leap out of their chair or gasp the overdone jump scare. This is a film that tells a story using horror as its medium and not necessarily a horror film in and of itself, and that’s fine by me.
In the words of the director:
The Lovers leans into what I, as a horror fan and creator, think is the heart of female-centric horror – desire, power, complex relationships and, of course, blood. Playing with assumptions of female sexuality and monstrosity, The Lovers is a small but satisfying bite.
I do really love it when there is nothing that I can find fault with within a film and The Lovers is one of those rare instances where I can simply gush onto my keyboard and not feel bad for it. It truly is a fun, well made, highly enjoyable short that will leave you with a smile on your dial. Sure, it’s not going to satisfy those looking for the darker, scarier breed of horror, but it’s the perfect snack for a light bite.
Thanks for reading and as always, stay sordid. If you can, try and make the effort to see this one at one of the live screenings. You won’t be disappointed. Artwork and official screenings below.
Final Girls Berlin 2021
Brooklyn FF 2021
Fantasia 2021
Frightfest London 2021
Horrible Imaginings 2021
Beyond the Curve International FF (Finalist) 2021
Chattanooga Film Fest 2021
Salem Horror Fest 2021
Sheffield Horror 2021
Site founder. Horror enthusiast. Metalhead.