Synopsis: A man trapped in a desert canyon with a mysterious woman is held captive by feral children… Promo: The trailer and poster for The Seeding, a new claustrophobic...
Read MoreSynopsis: An Indian-American teenager struggling with her cultural identity has a falling out with her former best friend and, in the process, unwittingly releases a demonic entity that grows...
Read MoreSynopsis: A lonely photographer begins to lose his grip on reality when he spots a mysterious doppelgänger roaming the streets. Photocopy is an experimental indie film in the suspense/horror...
Read MoreSynopsis: An insurance salesman, hoping to prove his survivalist skills to his family, irresponsibly goes hunting alone. But he isn’t prepared for what lies ahead… The Integrity of Joseph...
Read MoreLeave As an infant, Hunter White was discovered abandoned in a New England cemetery. She was wrapped in a piece of cloth covered in satanic symbols, and around her...
Read MoreSynopsis: In the summer of 2020, two couples decide to go on a COVID-era camping trip after months of being in lockdown. The freedom of nature and the company...
Read MoreRating: Synopsis: Everyone in town knows about the haunted Graham Farm on Willow Road. You’ll hear there’s a bad history to it. Josiah and his youngest son, Thomas, are...
Read MoreWednesday 6th July, London, UK: Fuica Film Pictures and 8Cube are delighted to share the new trailer and poster for their upcoming horror, Camping Trip. The sinister thriller will...
Read MoreI remember watching The Reef (2010) and thinking that it was probably the best shark film I had seen since the original classic, Jaws (1975). It was incredibly tense and although...
Read MoreSynopsis: While on the run from the law, Frank and his stripper girlfriend, Penelope, find themselves miles from civilization while traveling along a deserted stretch of dirt road. As darkness falls, they...
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