Synopsis: After hearing a young boy’s cry for help, a sister and brother venture into a vast field of tall grass in Kansas but soon discover there may be...
Read MoreYou might think a movie about Ouija boards, demon possession, nuns, and the inability of God to do anything about it would seem pretty much overdone by now. The...
Read MoreRating: Orbiting a planet on the brink of war, scientists test a device to solve an energy crisis, and end up face-to-face with a dark alternate reality. First, let's...
Read MoreRating: The events of one evening take an unexpected turn for the worst for a young boy trying to spy on his babysitter. Although I had a number of...
Read MoreRating: Death Note is easily one of the best mangas ever written, and its anime adaptation is one of the most popular shows ever created — it sits comfortably...
Read MoreWhen I was a kid, my mom wouldn’t let me watch or participate in anything she thought was evil or satanic. I grew up in a pretty strict southern...
Read MoreRating: Netflix has impressed us over and over again with the quality of its “Originals.— Its Marvel adaptions have been stellar, as well as it's anime contributions such as...
Read MoreStranger Things: In a small town where everyone knows everyone, a peculiar incident starts a chain of events that leads to the disappearance of a child – which begins...
Read MoreThese days, most of my exposure to horror films is due to whatever the cinematic fascists at Netflix decide is fit for my consumption. The world of horror is...
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