Synopsis: In the late 90s, a video archivist unearths a series of sinister pirate broadcasts and becomes obsessed with uncovering the conspiracy behind them. Directed by Jacob Gentry (Synchronicity),...
Read MoreSynopsis: An industrial tow truck driver suffering from insomnia returns to his childhood home after the untimely death of his father, to discover that a paranormal presence has been...
Read MoreI watch and review a lot of short films. So many, in fact, that oftentimes I feel like I’ve seen the same thing time and time again. That is...
Read MoreSynopsis: A successful architect, Jeremy Angust, is approached on his trip to Paris by a strange young woman who will not leave him alone. Missing his flight and trapped...
Read MoreA movie about a story about a bar being told as a story in another bar. It’s really not as confusing as it sounds. The Oak Room is a...
Read MoreAmber’s Descent is aptly named for two reasons only: my expectations were constantly lowered as the film progressed and I knew we’d have to–eventually–hit rock bottom. Synopsis: Kayla Stanton...
Read MoreRating: Synopsis: A wild crime thriller about a bag of money left in a sauna and the eight strangers who, spurred by blinding greed, become intricately and dangerously involved...
Read MoreRating: Synopsis: The scariest nightmares are the ones you can wake up to in “We Are The Missing”; a drama/horror pseudo-documentary following The Madisons’ desperate search for their missing daughter. We Are The...
Read MoreRating: Synopsis: Following the death of her mother, Abby (Tuppence Middleton), a troubled young woman, returns to her hometown of Niagara Falls and the dilapidated motel her family used...
Read MoreSynopsis: Two lonely detectives investigate a series of mysterious midnight deaths. The first victim has a picture of her with the next, and with each death the picture changes...
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