Synopsis: Residents of a rundown French apartment building battle against an army of deadly, rapidly reproducing spiders. Review: In his first feature film, director Sébastien Vanicek tells the story...
Read MoreMax and Julie are very much in love. Julie is rather jealous but Max knows nobody’s perfect. Certainly not himself. Short films are a unique category of moving picture...
Read MoreSynopsis: A successful architect, Jeremy Angust, is approached on his trip to Paris by a strange young woman who will not leave him alone. Missing his flight and trapped...
Read MoreRating: People make horror films for various reasons. For some, it is a medium for storytelling; to teach us via analogy or social commentary with the evil or negative...
Read MoreRating: Pushed by her greedy agent to finish writing her gruesome story, the renowned writer Gianna Baldini reluctantly journeys back to her childhood home, where her family had been...
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