Blood in the Snow Film Festival (BITS), a unique and imaginative showcase of contemporary Canadian horror films, is pleased to announce the lineup for the in-theatre portion of this year’s...
Read MoreSuper Channel and the Blood in the Snow Film Festival (BITS), a unique and imaginative showcase of contemporary Canadian horror films, are pleased to announce that they have partnered to bring a...
Read MoreRating: This review is part of Nevermore Horror’s coverage of the Blood in the Snow Film Festival Synopsis: A creature-feature twist on the Agatha Christie Whodunit thriller-genre, that turns...
Read MoreThis review is part of Nevermore Horror’s coverage of the Blood in the Snow Film Festival When I was 9 or 10 years old, my dad sat me down...
Read MoreRating: These reviews are part of Nevermore Horror’s continued coverage of the Blood in the Snow Film Festival. Seeing as the other guys were all covering a feature film...
Read MoreRating: This Review is Part of Nevermore Horror’s coverage of the Blood in the Snow Film Festival Directed & written jointly by Chris Bavota & Lee Paula Springer, DEAD...
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