Synopsis: Plagued by his past and crippling drug addiction, a man struggles to recall an unbelievable set of events during a police interrogation. The truth is out there….or is...
Read MoreSynopsis: CASE 347 follows psychologist and UFO sceptic, Dr. Mia Jansen (Maya Stojan), and a team of documentary filmmakers who believe that alien abduction claims are forms of “mass...
Read MoreRating: Small Town Monster’s latest documentary series, On The Trail Of UFOs, takes a look at the changing perceptions surrounding the UFO phenomenon. Ok, ok, ok. I know...
Read MoreAfter the death of his young daughter, Tom Dunn is a broken man. When his wife falls pregnant again, he cannot believe their luck. However, his joy is short...
Read MoreRating: After decades of conspiracy theories and shrouding secrecy, the CIA finally acknowledged the existence of Area 51. But that was all. The actions on the enigmatic military base...
Read MoreOne genre in particular which has always held a dear place in my heart is Sci-Fi horror. At a ripe age of 8, my dad sat me down in...
Read MoreRidley Scott is apparently planning not two, but three sequels to 2012’s Prometheus. The fourth installment is reportedly going to tell the story up until the events which take...
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