Scratchy is the third film by writer/director Chris Rakotomamonjy that we’ve had the privilege of reviewing here at Nevermore Horror. The other two; The Night at the End of Days and The Rebel Lady with the Dark Secret, were both memorable and rather different–films that left you thinking after their viewings. Scratchy is a very different production and a departure from the tone of Rakotomamonjy’s previous films.
What remains the same is Rakotomamonjy’s ability to very quickly set the feel of his films. He creates atmosphere with incredible ease; the settings, characters, sounds and cinematics all coming together to build a style that is unique and an aesthetic that is definitely growing on me.
Scratchy is a shift away from Rakotomamonjy’s giallo and sci-fi exploits, this time dipping his toes into the creature feature, complete with practical effects. While I did enjoy the film–and have to admit that I did not see that ending coming–it did have a runtime of just five minutes, making it hard to go into much detail without spoiling who or what Scratchy is.
Suffice it to say that the film is well-acted, well shot, and just the right amount of creepy. I thought the casting was great and the practical effects well done. I did not find the sounds all that creepy though and there were a few missed opportunities to build tension.
All three of Chris Rakotomamonjy’s films are now available on Amazon in an anthology format and it is one that I’d highly recommend, especially if you are looking to support an up-and-coming indie artist with a unique vision and a passion for the genre. Rakotomamonjy knows film and he is a talent that I’d really like to see more of in the future. Click the link (here) or the image below to purchase the anthology and enjoy some fresh filmmaking.
Site founder. Horror enthusiast. Metalhead.