Here at Nevermore, we are huge fans of the industrial subgenre and all-around decent alternative music. Rock, metal, industrial, and alternative sounds have always stood hand in hand with the themes of horror, often blending together in music videos, stage performances, lyrics, attire, and subculture. Meet Ben Basic–musician and industry professional that has just dropped a bloody, eerie, rather beautiful industrial music video Directed by Robin Moore and mastered by Olav Tabatabai, with makeup by Erica Angius.
The video features a lot of flashing and bright lights, so fair warning for those that suffer seizures and the like, but it really is a wonderful, arty piece of industrial that feels like it was cut from one of NIN’s Ghosts albums. It’s monotonous in a very listenable way, building layers thoughtfully while remaining surprisingly melodic and somewhat meditative.
The video is smart. Simple, bright, white, light, cocaine. There is definitely a strong horror influence as it progresses, but it is far from creepy or chilling…more foreboding or cautionary if I’ve correctly assumed the gist of the lyrics. Check it out, give it a listen and possibly a share…It’s a good track. Thanks for reading and as always, stay sordid. Video, promo info and links below.
Artist Bio:
Ben Basic’s obsession with music began at age 14 when his high school band Clod Hopper was selected to perform at Lollapalooza 1995, a couple of years later during the surf punk explosion of the nineties, he played in bands and put on shows with would be Girls bassist, JR ‘Chet’ White. Today he’s put on a number of shows for bands including L7, Yacht, and The Blow; he works as a unionized stagehand; clients including Metallica, Lana Del Rey and Tom Petty. He is featured on albums for the internet sensation Euromotion; Holy Mountain Records release Zdrastvootie 2; and released a successful solo album under his legal name Ben Pearce in 2017. Over the past ten years, he’s resided in San Francisco where he’s consistently gigged and recorded with rock band Windham Flat, joining bills with acts including, Deer Hoof, Macaulay Culkin’s Pizza Underground, and PPL MVR.
Site founder. Horror enthusiast. Metalhead.